first post in like.... 20 years.... woah.
okay, so heres what i did.
on my wish list, i wrote: start a cell group in sch [ which is like, almost impossible,almost.]
GUESS WHAT?!! impossible is nothing!!! yeah! and that was like...the first thing i accomplished in my list... haha
well,basically,a cell group is a youth or adult or old people group that joins people together, and do something amazing: praising and sharing the word of God. [can i hear an amen?!! AMEN!!!!] [sorry, i hear alot of online sermons...] which reminds me about cell Sunday,which is like...today. we heard British preachers preach online. it was super dramatic and Corny because they put music in...who puts dramatic music in sermons?!!
but there was a point there.... i mean that, even tough the music and the voice were muffled and freaky-like, it was a powerful message...
who would have thought about words like ''betrayal of ages''?
its harsh, but thats kinda what they want to do, like snapp you out of the dreamy,dreamy world you're in....
and then he says more about 'Christianity' and 'humanism'
okay, its a really interesting and cool sermon so later on i'll post the website where you can download it..
i'll write more if i have time[its now testing my endurance factor], but right now, i gotta do stuff...