hi there! :D haha. i just wanna take the opportunity (whenever i can)
to tell you! (yes you!),how awesome you are! =)you viewing my blog makes me SMILEEEE!!!! :D hahaha.so no matter what you're facing through, rain or shine, sunny or cloudy,even with an after shower,
face the world and shout:''IM OKAYYYY!!!!!!! NOTHING CAN STOP ME FROM SMILING!!! NOTHING!!!!!!"then beam out with your brightest grin that you never knew you had, and tear out your clothes and run around in your undies! haha.
i was only kidding. please dont do this in public! (:>
but you're allowed to cry your heart out after that!(only if you're really really sad)remember!
when all else fails and your sky lacks a rainbow, look up beyond the clouds and know that there is someone up there that is willing to give you the sun! =)
whether i know you or dont,
so now having said that, you can't say that there's not a single person on this face of the earth that doesnt care for you.
hahaha. =)
well, if not me, then Jesus. (which, in my opinion, is a wayyy better alternative.)
peaceouttuppl. hahaha. =)
ps: i miss you karina! (even tho you cant see this! )